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Ref. [160173]

Images are for illustration purposes and to be used as a guide only.

3 - 7 Guests


Kensington Muscari Apartments apartments are in the heart of fashionable South Kensington. Close by are some of London’s finest Museums and antique shops and on your leisurely walks stroll through quaint cobbled streets leading to Chelsea. Alternatively, only a few minutes away is the centre of Knightsbridge with its famous shopping stores, exclusive boutiques and well known restaurants.

The fully equipped kitchens are all beautifully designed to create a “country feeling” in the middle of the city.

This location has become a firm favourite with our clientele and we are confident that all of our guests will have a pleasurable stay in this desirable property.

Featured Amenities
  • Maid/Housekeeping
  • Internet
  • Daily Maid Service (Mon-Fri)
  • Washer/Dryer
  • TV
  • Free WiFi
  • Weekly Maid Service|Reception Desk
  • Wi-Fi
Nearest Stations
  • South Kensington (0.16 Miles)
  • Gloucester Road (0.22 Miles)
  • Earls Court (0.67 Miles)
  • High Street Kensington (0.84 Miles)


The rates in the table below are guide prices and may differ from the actual prices quoted to you upon enquiry.

* Rates are from prices
1 Bedroom
Max. 3 Guests
3 - 6 Nights
7 - 28 Nights
29 - 89 Nights
90_ Nights
2 Bedroom
Max. 5 Guests
3 - 6 Nights
7 - 28 Nights
29 - 89 Nights
90_ Nights
3 Bedroom
Max. 7 Guests
3 - 6 Nights
7 - 28 Nights
29 - 89 Nights
90_ Nights

To achieve the maximum guests in some apartments extra configurations will apply at an extra cost. Please keep this in mind when making an enquiry.

Rates at this property are considerably higher during peak seasons and special London events e.g. Summer, Christmas/ New Year, World Holidays, etc. Please keep this in mind when making an enquiry for stays across these dates. If unsure please confirm with your agent.


Security Deposit required  at this property as following:

One Bedroom £150.00 Two Bedroom £350.00 Three Bedroom £500.00

  • Book­ings of 30 to 60 nights stay

We require a one-week non-refundable deposit at the time of book­ing.  The remain­ing bal­ance is payable at Check-in.

  • Book­ings of 60 nights stay and over
    We will require one week non-refundable deposit at the time of the book­ing, 2 months of accommodation rental prior to arrival or at check-in date. The remain­ing bal­ance can be payable on a monthly basis 30 days in advance.
  • Group book­ings of 2 or more apart­ment units
    We will require a 30% non-refundable deposit of the total accommodation rental at the time of the booking.


We accept pay­ments by Cash, Credit or Debit cards and Bank Trans­fer. We require full accommodation  rental payment at the time of  check-in on bookings made for the period  from  1st January to 19th July and from 11th October to 31st of December  unless you’ve chosen a non-refundable rate which is  payable at the time of booking. For bookings made for the period from 20th July to 10th October, we require one week non-refundable deposit at the time of booking and full pre-payment  of remaining balance  30 days prior to arrival date.  In the event of non-payment, the reservation will be automatically cancelled and the apartment released.

Notes:  The prop­erty reserves the right to pre-authorize credit cards prior to arrival. And you must present the same credit card used for payment at the check-in.


  • For book­ings made for the period between 1st of January to 19th July and between 11th October  to 31st December 2021 with the flexible rate

Noti­fi­ca­tion of can­cel­la­tion is required 14 days prior to arrival. For book­ings can­celled less than 14 days prior to arrival you will be liable for the full cost of the stay, unless the apart­ment can be re-let.  Once you have Checked-in you must give 14 days’ notice if a reduc­tion on your stay is required, or 100% charges will apply.

  • For book­ings made for the period between 1st of January to 19th July and between 11th October to 31st December 2021 with the non- refundable rate

No amendments or cancelations allowed

  • For book­ings made for the period between the 20th July to 11th October 2021

Noti­fi­ca­tion of can­cel­la­tion is required 30 days prior to arrival date and sub­ject to re-letting on short notice. For book­ings can­celled less than 30 days prior to arrival you will be liable for the full cost of the stay unless the apart­ment can be re-let.

*** Please note, that the one week paid at the time of the booking is non-refundable.

  • Book­ings of 30 nights and over

Noti­fi­ca­tion of can­cel­la­tion is required 30 days’ prior to arrival date and sub­ject to re-letting on short notice. For book­ings can­celled less than 30 days prior to arrival you will be liable for the full cost of the stay unless the apart­ment can be re-let.

Once you have Checked-in 30 days’ notice must be given if a reduc­tion on your stay is required, or the same pol­icy will apply. Please note, that the one week rental paid at the time of the booking is non-refundable.

  • Group book­ings of 2 or more apart­ment units

Noti­fi­ca­tion of can­cel­la­tion is required 30 days prior to arrival. Once you have Checked-in, you must give 30 days’ notice if a reduc­tion on your stay is required, or the same pol­icy will apply. Please note, that the one week paid at the time of the booking is non-refundable.


Flexible rates

Your card will be used to secure your booking and will only be charged in case of late cancellation or no-show. We reserve the right to pre-authorize your card 14 days before your arrival.

Noti­fi­ca­tion of can­cel­la­tion is required 14 days prior to arrival. For book­ings can­celled less than 14 days prior to arrival you will be liable for the full cost of the stay, unless the apart­ment can be re-let.  Once you have Checked-in you must give 14 days’ notice if a reduc­tion on your stay is required, or 100% charges will apply.

  • Non- Refundable Rates

Your card will be charged at the time of booking. The reservation is non-cancellable and does not allow any changes/ amendments and no refund will be offered for cancellations, no-shows and early departures.

  • Late Check-Out
    Late Check-out is sub­ject to avail­abil­ity and extra charges may apply. Please check with Recep­tion on the day of departure.
  • Late Check-Out charges

From 12:00 to 15:00 — 50% of the daily rate you are pay­ing
After 15:00 pm 100% of the daily rate you are paying.


All our prop­er­ties have a no-smoking pol­icy in line with UK leg­is­la­tion. This pol­icy cov­ers the burning/smoking of all sub­stances in our apart­ments, includ­ing incense. The prop­erty reserves the right to charge a penalty for non-compliance.


At Check-in you will be asked for a secu­rity deposit to cover any inci­den­tal break­ages or dam­ages that may occur dur­ing the occu­pa­tion. The secu­rity deposit is usu­ally an autho­riza­tion on the guest credit card and this autho­ri­sa­tion will be can­celled fol­low­ing set­tle­ment of any out­stand­ing bal­ance on your bill at Check-out and if no inci­den­tal expenses have been incurred.

An autho­ri­sa­tion is NOT DEBITED from the cardholder’s account. The amount is held on your credit card and released at check out.



At check-in you will be asked to fill out and sign the registration card and provide a proof of identification with photo (passport or UK – ID/driving license).  A sig­na­ture on the Reg­is­tra­tion Card indi­cates accep­tance of our Terms and Con­di­tions for the occu­pa­tion of an apart­ment at our prop­erty. Copies are avail­able to view at Recep­tion and in your apart­ment.  Please can we draw your atten­tion to the fol­low­ing addi­tional points:


The apartment’s keys must be returned to reception on at check out and charges may apply for lost keys.


All VISITORS must report to Recep­tion at the time of the visit. Due to Health and Safety Fire Reg­u­la­tions, all NON-RESIDENT guests can­not stay beyond MIDNIGHT.   Only the num­ber of per­sons reg­is­tered at the time of Check–in may occupy the apart­ment. Under no cir­cum­stances is mul­ti­ple occu­pancy allowed. No ani­mals are to be brought into the apart­ment at any time.


We reserve the right to ter­mi­nate your use and occu­pa­tion of your apart­ment imme­di­ately in the event of:
a. Non-pay­ment of any monies due to
b. Over­crowd­ing for any type of or sort of gath­er­ing
c. Unrea­son­able noise or behav­iour (which the man­age­ment reserve the right to deter­mine)
d. Unau­tho­rised par­ties or gath­er­ings in the apartment


We pro­vide accom­mo­da­tion for pri­vate res­i­den­tial use only and in a rea­son­able man­ner.  We only allow the accom­mo­da­tion to be occu­pied by the num­ber of per­sons con­firmed at the time of book­ing.  Oper­a­tion of any form of busi­ness from the accom­mo­da­tion or use of it for any ille­gal or immoral pur­pose will require you to vacate the accom­mo­da­tion imme­di­ately.  We have a zero tol­er­ance pol­icy towards behav­iour that is abu­sive, threat­en­ing or vio­lent towards our staff, our con­trac­tors or other guests.  If you or any of your party or any­one that you autho­rise to occupy the accom­mo­da­tion behaves in this man­ner, we will ter­mi­nate your right to occupy the accom­mo­da­tion imme­di­ately and we may report the mat­ter to the police.


We fol­low a no smok­ing pol­icy in all premises and in all the apart­ments.  Smok­ers who ignore this restric­tion can be fined up to £ 500 to cover the cost of an out­side steam clean­ing com­pany to clean the entire apart­ment. Plus any income lost due to the apart­ment becom­ing unavail­able for occu­pa­tion by a new guest booking.


An exten­sion of your stay depends on avail­abil­ity and is at the dis­cre­tion of the management.

The man­age­ment reserves the right to move you to another apart­ment of at least as good a stan­dard within the build­ing, if nec­es­sary. We will how­ever always attempt to avoid such moves.


Internet usage is complimentary to all our guests. Please be aware that the man­age­ment can­not be held respon­si­ble for any vis­its to unau­tho­rized, restricted or ille­gal sites. The user is liable and enters those sites entirely at their own risk.


The property reserves the right to charge for dam­age or loss caused by you to the apart­ment or its con­tents.  Com­pen­sa­tion will be demanded to cover the rea­son­able cost of repair or replace­ment, plus any income lost due to the apart­ment becom­ing unfit for occu­pa­tion by new res­i­dents.


We wish you to treat your apart­ment as your home, but ask you to respect the rights of other guests to peace­ful enjoy­ment of their apart­ment. Par­ties and loud music are not allowed (which the man­age­ment reserve the right to deter­mine). Fail­ure to com­ply will result in guests being asked to leave immediately.


The property can­not be held respon­si­ble for the ram­i­fi­ca­tions against com­pa­nies or estab­lish­ments rec­om­mended by us,  such as Dry Cleaners/ Cars or Taxi Companies/ Restaurants.


The prop­erty offers a safe in your apartment and we cannot be held respon­si­ble for any loss or dam­age to valu­ables left unat­tended in the apartment.


When vacat­ing the accom­mo­da­tion, you must leave the accom­mo­da­tion in the same con­di­tion as it was at the begin­ning of your stay, sub­ject to fair wear and tear. Where the accom­mo­da­tion or any item is not left in the con­di­tion required, you must pay us any costs which we incur in clean­ing, repair or replacement.

Declaration: Booking Declaration

It is the responsibility of all prospective clients/guests to read the declaration linked above prior to booking any services or accommodations.

Proceeding with a booking confirms that the clauses set out in the declaration and terms and conditions have been observed, read, understood, and accepted.

Once a booking is instructed and processed, it is considered a binding agreement between the client/guest and the respective service provider.



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